Wow, look!
I cut Blake's hair*
all by myself**
with no help from anyone***
and no prior experience****
and it looks great!*****

*by "I" of course I mean my sister Lisa, who is a professional hairdresser
**once again, all by myself? yeah...right...
*** the one tiny piece of hair that i actually did cut by myself was right above his right ear and resulted in a very apologetic "oops" from me immediately following the cut, and was then accompanied by a darling frown/smile.
**** i've actually cut my barbie's hair tons of times growing up, so this isn't entirely true. And they always looked awesome so how much harder can human hair be?
***** actually, this statement needs no asterisks, he does look great, even though i lobsided his head, it's really hard for this boy to not look amazing. (I like to call him Senor Handsom-pants)
When Benson and I were first married, he let me cut his hair. After the 2nd cut and an "oops" snip by me, my hair-cutting days were over.
ha ha ha haha ha i am laughing so hard right now. freakin love you so much michelle.
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