Thursday, April 7, 2011

Negative Nancy-Land

In preparation for our future, I found some blogs written by wives of medical school students...two hours and one emotional breakdown later, that was the dumbest thing I've ever done.  

I ask you, med school wives, what's the point of having a blog if all you ever write about is how terrible your lonely, dismal, depressing life is when you are at home raising your two kids all by yourself and you see your husband for twenty minutes on a Sunday, and then you are alone again to start the whole desperately monotonous routine all over again? Do you just not anyone to join your club? Are you trying to scare off all the newcomers so you can bubble in the exclusivity of being a med school wife??  I will not make friends with you, because you are apparently a negative Nancy all the time and who the heck likes negative Nancies?**

Even if that's what my life is like, I will refuse to accept it.  I will blog about how pretty the flowers are outside or something, I just will not focus on everything that may be less than ideal about our situation on every single post.  (Cue the sound of everyone un-following my blog in anticipation of it getting really, really boring.) 

In other news, this hot guy:

Takes the MCAT on Saturday.  He'll do amazing.  He is the most dedicated student I have ever known.  But, regardless, good vibes are always appreciated :)

**"Nancies" just seemed like the logical choice when trying to find the plural of Nancy.


Madison said...

Good for you! Believe me, I understand both the idea of lonely, monotonous days, as well as negative, dramatic wives. Army wives can be ridiculous. But, it's about you and your relationship with your husband, not anyone else's. One thing that became immediately apparent to me during this past deployment was how healthy and strong mine and my husband's relationship was compared to a lot of other people. They only had complaints, while I was living life and trying to enjoy every moment. You can do it!



Chelsea Michelle said...

You are gonna be great! And so is he. I believe in you 1 million percent because you are way better than all those snitches. So forget about them and you keep doing what you do best! LOVE you so much! Sending prayers your way!!

Julie Wilding said...

I shall always read your blog, even if it becomes about pretty flowers. I lurve you.

Lindsey said...

I'm not going to lie, it is going to be REALLY hard. Of course I don't know what med school is like, but our time here at Darden has been really tough. The monotony does get very hard. You and Blake will make it work though. It's all about your attitude. You have to find a really good place to live with lots of other families in your same situation (as in stay at home moms) so you don't get lonely and you can swap babysitting and stuff. Once you get accepted and decide on a school, get in touch with some of the LDS med students and ask their advice on where to live. Another bit of advice, no matter the cost, you have to do something that you absolutely love. In my case it was getting a gym membership. I tried to go without one for the first few months to save money, but by November in our first semester, I was near depression. And I'm not kidding. The gym membership helped me so much b/c it is something that I love to do and something that was familiar to me. It would be sooooo awesome if you guys ended up in Dallas and then we could hang out all the time!

jennica said...

I finally found your blog! I forgot that I was even looking until I saw you post on Sydney's! Hurray!

Michelle said...

You guys are awesome. Thanks for your support. Madison and Lindsey you guys have great first-hand experience, thanks for your advice :) And Jennica, welcome!