Give a man your blog address, and he'll check it every six months... maybe
But teach a man how to blog, and he'll post inscrutable "anonymous" messages on it.
I believe Blake's comments were directed to his thought that there is an unequal amount of him in comparison to me on this blog, to which I reply, "My darling, (yes, that's how we speak to each other) My darling, you are also an authorized blogger on and you are more than welcome to make your much anticipated blog entrance at any time! Well, he did. And although I know he was totally kidding, and really could not possibly care less what is on our blog, I'm still going to give him a little more time in the spotlight:
Behold, the many faces of my husband:
Universe-rescuer Extrodinaire.
Protector of the innocent
Troubled "bad egg" John Wayne-esque cowboy man
World's greatest fish catcher and harbinger of gorgeous sunrises
Most gorgeous man who has ever lived... wow!
There's more, oh my is there more; but that's all for now.