Friday, April 23, 2010

Prom... again

     First things first: Finals are over! YES!!! Blake rocked them as always, and I... finished.  Anyway it feels so good to be done! Mainly because in one week from today, we'll be on an airplane flying into to Barcelona.  What a way to celebrate a first anniversary! Speaking of, I can't believe we've almost been married for a year.  We've had so much fun and I am so grateful for Blake and more than anything I'm so grateful that I get to be with him forever.  I have so much fun with him everyday.  He is the best and I am so lucky. I'm not one to get all mushy on the blog so I'll keep it at that.  

    Oh I cut my hair, a little over a foot is gone now. (Did i already say this on my blog?) It's fun and I love it, I think I'm going to cut it even shorter now. Alright no one cares.  I'll just update you on some things we've been up to:

    Blake and I, along with our good friends Garrett and Andrea chaperoned a high school prom last week.  (Garrett, Blake, and I all have younger siblings that are on student council) It was a lot of fun, mostly because Blake's little sister McKell is the one who asked us to chaperone so I didn't tell my little brother Sean that I was going to be there until I actually saw him there.  I ran up to him and grabbed his arm in the middle of the dance and he turned around, froze, and then yelled "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Probably the last person he was planning on seeing at his senior prom.  It was pretty funny.  I didn't even spy on him though, I just concentrated on keeping the water pitchers filled up and stayed in my corner :) We had a ton of fun with Garrett and Andrea though.  We went to dinner beforehand and it was pretty embarrassing how many people at the restaurant asked us if we were part of a prom group... 

At the restaurant with Garrett and Andrea

Before the dance started. Poor Sean, he got the scare of his life

Sean and his date.  I didn't get a picture of Mckell but she looked beautiful! I had so much fun doing her makeup before prom, that girl is gorgeous

This is Blake's dancing face, it really is. 

Handsome, handsome husband.  We took a carriage ride after prom :) My MIL Laurel is so sweet, she had the carriage people stay late so that we could go for a ride.  We had a ton of fun and I loved getting to go to prom with my husband.. how many people can say that?


Lisa Dean said...

Beautiful couple!!! So I don't get it, are y'all super seniors? ;D Maybe that's not even a term anymore?? Anyway you look beautiful.

Julie Wilding said...

Fun! That dress is so gorgeous. I have missed your blogging!

Sierra and Ryan said...

That will definitely go in your memory book--chaperoning a prom! I am glad all is going well and your hair looks great!

Anna said...

Hey hey I liked that you talked about your hair it is great and short is very fun to so you should cut it shorter only a few more weeks of me with my long hair and then its chopping it off for me ha I think its awesome that you two got to chaperon prom I would if I could ha ha.