Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pressure and Equilibrium

Blake has been known to say- in the most positive way possible- that all those chemistry and physics classes he's taken have completely ruined his life.  

Not that he hasn't loved them, he is extremely interested in those topics, but because he has learned so much that they have completely changed the way that thinks about things.  He can hardly drive in a car without it sparking a thought on velocity, and the power of acceleration, yada yada yada...

While we were together in New York, I got up one morning to go to the bathroom at 5:00 am-because that's what you do when you're pregnant-and when I opened the door to our room, I heard something fall.  I turned around and asked a very groggy Blake what happened.  He responded, still half asleep, 

Blake: "well when you opened the door, the pressure in the room changed.  Before the door was opened, the room was at equilibrium, and because the window is open..." 

Me: "Oh my gosh, Blake, what happened?"

Blake: "The bag fell off the windowsill."

....Thank you. 

This is a variation of basically the exact same conversation that we have almost daily.  I love it, I have learned quite a bit since we've been married. Never mind the fact that the only science class I took in college was Bio 100, ask me about buoyancy. (I got this lesson on the Staten Island Ferry going to see the Statue of Liberty.)

Never a dull moment.


Chelsea Michelle said...

I love this...this is cracking me up so bad! Love you also.

Ariel said...

Haha! I love that. Hilarious.
I miss walking all over the city with you guys! Glad you get to be with Blake again soon though. We will all have to hang out when we are in the same state again. :)