Sunday, May 31, 2009


I'm officially a Pre-Comms major! Hurray! After much careful thought, Blake and I decided it would be a good idea for me to go to school for summer semester so I can have time to take all my pre-requisites before I need to apply to the Public Relations major in January. I'm really excited about the classes I'm going to take.  I have always loved school but it's so much better when I get to take classes for things that I want to learn as opposed to things they tell me i need to learn.  I can't wait!  It's going to take me longer than expected to graduate because I was set on being a poli sci major my whole life and just barely decided to change it.  I hope it doesn't set me back too far! 

Blake and I love our ward! There are a lot of fun couples in there and today I called to be a primary teacher.  Since there are so many little kids it's going to be more of a nursery/primary teacher.  I'm so excited, there are the most adorable little kids in our ward. 

Blake is working at Applebee's at nights and construction in the days and I'm still at Nordstrom.  That's pretty much all of our updates..

oh yeah, I am not very happy about Obama's nomination for the Supreme Court.  I'm worried about how this may play out.  I love that she is a minority, but the truth is that shouldn't matter.  Sotomayor is so pre-occupied about being a minority that she fails to see Americans as one people.  I don't think she'll do a good job making choices that benefit the entire country as a whole instead of just individual groups.  I hope the Senate doesn't choose her.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you should take the mass comms with pro. walz. i haven't taken that exact class with him, but i have others and he is great!